Moving the microcosms in fallen trees
The trees silently hear their falling
under the flickering fantail fingers
whose old rhythms rebound into the cleansing dark
of liminal space, sea and sand
Heavy canopy of carbon brought down with the moon,
the call
She cries
She lifts
it strikes
Conversations: Article
We found this character together in the woods, A turn of a mask, a wisp of fabric.
I didn’t know he was waiting to be found but we all caught our breath when he appeared.
I thought he might be Whiro te tipua,
He is said to eat your body after you die as you enter the underworld, the earth.
Whiro te tipua - The god of darkness and evil ills whoso rival is Tāne Mahuta.
I love her, I love her moody, angry strong way she cuts through and holds boundary.
A Toki to clear away, cut away any doubt of the dual war that is going on.
Wo Man and land